to attribute, impute, or refer, as to a cause; as, his death was ascribed to a poison; to ascribe an effect to the right cause; to ascribe such a book to such an author.Click to see full answer. Thereof, what does it mean to ascribe something?Definition of ascribe (something) to. formal. : to say or think that (something) is caused by, comes from, or is associated with (something or someone) : assign, credit, or blame They ascribed his illness to chemicals in his brain.Also Know, what is the synonym of ascribe? ascribe. Synonyms: assign, attribute, impute, refer, render, allege, charge. Antonyms: deny, refuse, exclude, dissociate, disconnect, dissever. Accordingly, how do you use ascribe? ascribe Sentence Examples It is difficult to say to what we are to ascribe his immunity from painful consequences. Several inscriptions ascribe both these treatises to Boetius. They ascribe the glory of that achievement of genius to different men and dispute as to whom the honor is due. What is the opposite of ascribe? Antonyms of ASCRIBE sever, sunder, disconnect, deny, separate, dissociate.