The cost of building a pond ranges from $10,000 to $20,000 per acre for small ponds. Larger ponds of 10 acres or more can cost between $1,000 to $5,000 per acre for good sites, according to Alabama A&M and Auburn Universities. Pond costs vary, depending on the soil, watershed and other factors.Click to see full answer. Likewise, people ask, how much does it cost to build a 1 acre pond? The average backyard pond is between 200 and 300 square feet. Since the typical price per square foot is $2.50 to $7.15, most people pay between $500 and $2,145. Per Square Foot & Acre Cost Calculator. Size Size in Square Feet Average Expense to Dig 1 Acre 43,560 $3,000-$5,000 3 Acres 130,680 $9,000-$15,000 Likewise, how much does it cost to build a 1/2 acre pond? since a 1/2 acre pond is about 22,000 square feet we would often ballpark $22,000. Of course this depends on terrain and how much landscaping, if any, you want to do. Considering this, how deep should a 1 acre pond be? However, the average pond we dig is 12′ deep throughout and depending on the size at least one area 15′ deep. If the pond is large enough, say 1 acre we can dig a couple holes in the pond 15″ to 20′ deep and maybe 25′ round.Does adding a pond increase property value?Ponds provide recreational opportunities, increase property values. Many people enjoy living near a body of water. Lutz noted that studies have found that in rural areas, a well-managed pond can increase property values five to 15 percent. But just like your lawn, ponds require maintenance and prudent planning.